A Proposal to Modify the Massachusetts Rape Statute, New England Law Review Faculty Blog (2023)
Book Review, Mass. Law. J., (2014) (reviewing Scott Helman & Jenna Russell, Long Mile Home, 2014)
Judges and Clerk-Magistrates chapter, in Crime and Consequence: The Collateral Effects of Criminal Conduct, (2013) (Hon. William J. Meade & Daniel B. Winslow, eds., 2d ed. 2009 & 3d ed. 2013)
Summary Judgment: The History, Development, and Application of Rule 56 Since Its Promulgation in 1974, 92 Mass. Law Rev. 135 (2009) co-author w/ Hon. John M. Greaney (ret.)
Book Review, Mass. Law. J. (2010) (reviewing Jon Krakauer, Where Men Win Glory, The Odyssey of Pat Tillman, (2009)
Electronically Stored Information and the Fourth Amendment, 31 Search & Seizure L. Rep. 1 (2004) co-author w/ Hon. Robert H. Bohn, Jr.
The Dawn of the Computer Age: How the Fourth Amendment Applies to Warrant Searches and Seizures of Electronically Stored Information, 8 Suffolk J. of Trial & App. Advoc. 63 (2003) co-author w/ Hon. Robert H. Bohn, Jr.
A Proposal for the Hire and Tenure of Faculty of Color in Higher Education, 20 T. Marshall L. Rev. 45 (1994)