Galway, Ireland, one of the study abroad opportunities available to New England Law | Boston students
Summer Abroad
To learn more about the summer abroad program courses, distinguished faculty, host institutions, weekend travel, and cultural opportunities, explore the links and videos below.
- Galway, Ireland (Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway) 2024 Program: June 9th – July 19th, 2024. Watch the video.
International Law Externships
Semester-long externships overseas and in Washington, D.C., are available through New England Law’s Center for International Law and Policy for academic credit at:
- The International Criminal Court (The Hague, the Netherlands)
- The Special Tribunal for Lebanon at The Hague
- U.S. Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (Washington, D.C.)
- U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (Washington, D.C.)
- U.S. Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (Washington, D.C.)
- International Bar Association (London or Washington, D.C.)
- Accountability Counsel (San Francisco, California)
Learning Outcomes
Many of today’s legal careers require an awareness of other legal, cultural, social, and political traditions and practices, making study abroad a valuable opportunity for law students. The particular educational objectives that our school seeks to achieve in permitting JD students to earn credits toward a JD degree for study abroad are:
- To expose students to laws and legal systems of foreign nations to better prepare them for practicing law in an ever-increasing globalized and transnational legal world
- To allow students to learn about the laws and legal cultures of foreign jurisdictions in which they may have a particular interest
- To provide students the opportunity to experience foreign languages and cultures to help them in their future careers
We urge all interested students to consider our summer study abroad program, the possibility of taking a summer fellowship abroad, and the openings for semester-long programs in other countries.